NOVEMBER and  a time to REMEMBER
  is here . . ..
Pictured here ,  is  the eleventh of the  calendar mats done for the fall 2009 Shelburne Vermont  rug show . . .
The Montreal group  picked as our Theme ''LAUNDRY LINES'' . .This little mat was hooked by Maureen Rowe of Montreal . .. after researching the subject ,Maureen was touched by a photo she saw of  a tank with a laundry line hung out . . . an everyday event  for most of us . . .
well ,I was sad to learn. .. that in many cities  one can not by law, hang ones laundry out . . . how ,why  ?   is that . . . . . . 
I do remember my mother thinking that anyone who hug out laundry on a SUNDAY was, well as she said,   '' UNCOUTH''  . . 
(lacking in polish  or grace) 
Synonyms: boorish, churlish, classless, cloddish, loutish,


  1. I don't want to live anywhere where I can hang my laundry out. It's one of the greenest things you can do and my mother would kill me if she thought I used the dryer so much. At 87, she still does all the laundry every Monday without fail and gets it hung out before noon. If it's raining, she has lines strung up in the garage.

    Nothing smells so good as fresh laundered bed sheets off the clothesline!


    Lovely mat!

  2. Oops, meant to say I did not want to live "anywhere I could not hang my laundry out." Please don't tell my Mom about the typo. Bad me!



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